
How to escape full screen mode pc
How to escape full screen mode pc

how to escape full screen mode pc how to escape full screen mode pc how to escape full screen mode pc

They consider the toolbar to be counter-productive to the purpose of full-screen mode since it occupies some of the available screen, usually in an area that obstructs what you want to see. Of course, many people don't even care about the Full-Screen toolbar. In that case, you can run the following macro to get it back. If it is not, it could be because the toolbar has somehow been moved "off screen" so it is no longer visible. The toolbar, with its button, should now be visible. Make sure the Full Screen option is selected.You can try the following steps to get the toolbar back: This button is actually on a special toolbar that appears only when Word is operating in full-screen mode. The button allows her to exit full-screen mode and start using Word, once again, in normal mode. Marilyn wrote about a missing button that she normally sees when using word in full-screen mode.

How to escape full screen mode pc